All Newer Models
Show IMEI *# 06 #
Software Version With NO SIM CARD INSERTED,
*# 06 #
Then press "Long Key"
SP Unlock SP unlock *#0003*(secret code 8 digits)#
Reset Langguage to Automatic Selection * # 0000 # then Green button
For S25,
*#00(International prefix code of the country)# you get the language of that country (if supported)
e.g.: *#0039# switches to Italian language, *#0044# or *#001# switches to English
S35 Full Screen WAP Connected to the Internet, press twice right button (the one for recording) and all the status lines, one up of the screen and two on the bottom of the screen, WILL DISAPPEAR !!!! So, you can use the whole screen for browsing the internet !!! Press again the button the lines will appear.
S4 and Older
Show IMEI *# 06 #
SP Unlock SP unlock *#0003*(secret code 8 digits)#
Reset Langguage to Automatic Selection * # 0000 # then Green button
For S25,
*#00(International prefix code of the country)# you get the language of that country (if supported)
e.g.: *#0039# switches to Italian language, *#0044# or *#001# switches to English
1. Menu
2. 9 (Phone Options)
3. 7 (Phone Status)
4. Left Display Button (left MENU key)
5. 5553756
6. HangUp Button (Red HandSet key)
Now "Monitor" should appear at the bottom of the Network Options menu. Pressing the right Display Button when in monitor mode will show a list of the six cells with the strongest signals. Test Mode Indicators: (* = only available when call in progress )
CH Channel Number
RX Signal Strength (dB)
N NCC (Color Code)
B BCC (Color Code)
CI Cell ID (in Hex)
C1+ how long before phone does forced hand over. (see RX and RXAM)
LAI Location Area Identity. Display Network ID code (42F010 = 240.01) and MSC
TXPWR Transmit Power (dB)
RXAM Reeceive signal strength cut-off point
TS* Time Slot Number
TA* Timing Advance. Distance from tower in Km * 2
PL* Power Level
Power Table
PL: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
dB: 33 31 29 27 25 23 21 19 17 15 13
Watts: 2 1.3 .8 .5 .3 .2 .13 .08 .05 .03 .02
LF* C1 value with continuous transmisson from tower
LS* C1 Value with discontinuous tranmission from tower
QF* Bit Error Rate with continuous transmission from tower
QS* Bit Error Rate with discontinuous transmission from tower
BER (bit error rate) table
QF/QS register: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
% of bit sent: 0.2 0.8 0.4 1.6 3.2 6.4 12.8 25.6
S3 Comfort Only,
Siemens S3 comfort
Show IMEI code: * # 06 #
The Siemens S3 Com series have a Monitor mode that can be activated directly from the standard user keypad. In order to activate this mode, you must enter the special access code currently programmed into the phone.
1. Turn the phone on.
2. Enter the PIN access code on press OK. (Only if is enabled).
3. Press Menu. (Left top button).
4. Press 9. (Phone Options).
5. Press 8. (Phone Status) (May be button 7 in some phones).
6. You may see your IMEI Number
7. Left Display Button (Top left MENU key).
8. 7684666
9. HangUp Button. (Red HandSet key).
Note: Monitor should appear now at the bottom of the Network Options menu.
Pressing the right Display Button when in monitor mode will toggle into 1 and 2 modes
Tetris Power on phone and enter PIN. before phone has locked onto network, F9, send own number, hit right button, hit 9. left is 2, right is 8, rotate is 5, and drop is 4.
Nice Sunset Backgound Siemens S3 or younger
In the Telephone Book in the section own numbers, first position you have to type in +12022243121 (Number of the Capitol in Washington DC) and save it without a name. Then open this telephone book again do so as you like to change the number but leave the modus without changing anything. A nice Sundown will be shown in the display.
1. Ganti bahasa (C-25)
*#0000# + "Tombol Hijau" ® Default
*#0001# + "Tombol Hijau" ® English
*#0031# + "Tombol Hijau" ® Futch
*#0032# + "Tombol Hijau" ® France
*#0039# + "Tombol Hijau" ® Italian
2. Melihat IMEI
*#06#, YES
Lanjutkan tekan tombol untuk versi software dan informasi kekuatan sinyal (EFR).
3. Mereset setting phone (C-25)
Hanya berlaku untuk ponsel, bukan SIM cardnya.
4. Spesial Greetings
Di phonebood "Own Phone No.", tekan : +12022243121
5. Short cut menu S-25.
Tekan menu dan nomor menu (misal 9-5-2) untuk setting illumination.
· To view IMEI number and software version number enter * # 0 6 #
· To reset language to automatic selection enter * # 0 0 0 0 # and press green button
· To reset language to English enter * # 0 0 0 1 # and press green button
· To reset language to Russian enter * # 0 3 7 1 # and press green button
· To see barrings and secret code enter * # 0 6 0 6 # (This works only when SIM card is not inserted)
· To reset to factory defaults enter * # 9 9 9 9 #
Link to Inside of ME45
a. Masukkan CD Logo Manager & Vissie ke dalam CD-ROM Drive
b. Masuk ke dalam folder Software Manager\ Siemens Explorer\ Vissie\ Vissie 1.89
c. Di folder ini akan ada 2 file yaitu : Setup exe. dan Serial. txt ( file crack)
d. Double click file setup, dan akan muncul windows, dan click Yes
e. Setelah itu click Next
f. Muncul windows License Agreement, click Yes
g. Muncul windows kemudian click Next
h. Click Next
i. Click Install
j. Setelah proses instalasi berakhir, akan muncul windows seperti di bawah ini, selanjutnya click Finish
k. Kemudian buka file serial.txt, file ini sebagai crack agar Vissie kita menjadi unlimited dan bisa digunakan.
l. Pada saat muncul windows seperti di bawah masukkan Super User dan s/n ke dalam kotak yang tersedia. Kemudian click tombol Start
m. Akan muncul Interface Software Vissie
n. Vissie kita ternyata masih menggunakan bahasa pengantar aslinya yaitu bahasa Belanda, untuk mengubahnya Click Einstellungen û Menu Sprache û English
o. Proses Instalasi berakhir
Minggu, 16 Januari 2011
Posted by AGUS M. ALI MASKUR S.Pd.i
16.11, under | No comments
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